Friday 5 August 2011

10 months jail for woman raping a 13-year-old boy

A Singaporean WOMAN'S secret affair with her 13-year-old boy lover was exposed when her suspicious sister paid her a surprise visit late one evening and found the boy hiding in a wardrobe. The 32-year-old former canteen stall assistant had earlier had sex with the minor after inviting him to her flat.

What the judge said
IN PASSING sentence, District Judge James Leong told the 32-year-old woman that the offences she had committed were very serious.

He said he had considered, to her credit, that she had pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity, thus avoiding the need for a trial.

Yesterday, the unemployed woman was jailed for 10 months after pleading guilty to two of seven charges of causing a boy under 16 to have sex with her in May last year. The remaining charges were taken into consideration.

She is the second woman to be jailed for such an offence following the February conviction of a former teacher now serving 10 months in jail for having sex with a 15-year-old boy last year.

Yesterday, Assistant Public Prosecutor Kalidass Murugaiyan said the accused, a divorcee with a child, was then employed as a canteen stall assistant at the school the boy attended.

The court heard that she would leave her 14-month-old child in the care of the boy's mother when she went to work.

As the boy's mother did not know how to use a mobile phone, she would ask him to call or send short text messages to the woman to ask when she would be dropping off the child.

That was how the woman began communicating with the boy without his mother's knowledge. She told the boy later that she had fallen in love with him the very first time she set eyes on him.

Initially, he did not take her seriously and treated her more like an elder sister.
But in some of their telephone messages, they discussed sex.

One day, after she dropped her child off at his home, she kissed him. At first he was shocked. But then he too began to develop feelings for the woman and began treating her as his girlfriend, also kissing her.

On May 4 last year, they watched a movie, then went to her flat, where they had sex. Meanwhile, the woman's sister and the boy's mother became suspicious of the woman's relationship with the boy. But when confronted, she denied any wrongdoing.

On May 17, the boy again went to her flat for sex after lying to his mother that he was going to a chalet. After sex, he refused to leave and insisted on staying over at her flat. Meanwhile, her sister had received a call from the boy's mother, who said she was worried about her son. Suspecting that he might have gone to the woman's flat, the sister turned up there at about 11pm and found the boy hiding in a wardrobe.

Not long afterwards, the woman's elder brother also arrived and accused the boy of breaking into the flat. The police were called. But when the officers arrived, the boy confessed that he was in a relationship with the woman. She was then arrested.

The woman was found to be suffering from depression at the time she got to know the boy. She told a psychiatrist that she and the boy were both attracted to each other, and that was why they had sex. The woman, who pleaded for a light sentence, could have been jailed for up to 10 years and/or fined on each charge.

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