Friday 5 August 2011

The Naked Truth About Diving Queen Guo Jing Jing

China's red hot diving diva Guo Jingjing was secretly recorded with an infrared video camera. She was candidly videotaped in her skin-tight and very wet swimsuit with an infrared video camera. Her nude body was expose as a result of this method using infrared (see through) as if her Li-Ning swimsuit was transparent. And now every detail of her physique is seen in a 10 minute long video, especially focusing on her private areas, that has been circulating on the Internet. And the private parts of Wu Minxia was also recorded. Infrared video cameras uses infrared technology to see thermal energy (or heat) and can see through certain types of clothes as if you were wearing X-ray glasses.

Guo Jingjing, 26, who is as well-known for her appearances in gossip magazines as for her dazzling spins and somersaults from the three-meter springboard, is said to have been pining since her ex-boyfriend and teammate, Tian Liang, 28, married another woman last year. Paparazzi shots of Guo with her current boyfriend Kenneth Fok, the playboy grandson of a Hong Kong tycoon, suggest that all is not well with that relationship either. So this infrared video exposing her body is the last thing she need right now.

Download the Sexy Video After the Screen Shots Below!

More shockingly, Guo Jingjing was not the only victim of this incident, another 2 hour and 7 minute long video clip shot with the same infrared video camera is also circulating on the web. In this video, other than Guo Jingjing and Wu Minxia, more than 20 female and male divers from multiple countries who participated in the 2008 Olympic warm-up match were secretly videotaped using infrared that exposed their bodies. As the video was uploaded onto a website in Hong Kong, police there have launched an investigation into the scandal.

The video clip was shot in the 2008 Olympic warm-up match – 'Good Luck Beijing' when the divers were practicing. Guo Jingjing won the gold medal in the women's 3-meter springboard at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing along with two other medals. Chinese sports enthusiasts have become transfixed by the colourful love life of Guo Jingjing since then. Now they are getting to see her body in great detail. Reports say a man sneaked into the diving stadium with a hand-held infrared camera. He secretly taped Guo Jingjing who is seen wearing 2 different swim suits in the video. Using the infrared ray technology camera, her breasts and lower body were clearly seen including her ass. The camera man also shot close-ups of her private parts.

After the exposure of this incident, Guo Jingjing has yet to be seen in public. A reporter contacted her boyfriend Tuesday and asked how can the athletics be protected to avoid this kind of incident to happen again? He said over the phone: "This incident has not been verified yet, I will not answer hypothetical questions. Country athletic games, let the country handle it." When asked if he has comforted Guo Jingjing? He said: "It's not convenient for me to comment too much on other things, sorry." The rumor is now that the video was secretly recorded by a mole within the media covering the Olympics. Anyway, they say China's new objective is achieving transparency. So to that I say they are well on their way.

10 months jail for woman raping a 13-year-old boy

A Singaporean WOMAN'S secret affair with her 13-year-old boy lover was exposed when her suspicious sister paid her a surprise visit late one evening and found the boy hiding in a wardrobe. The 32-year-old former canteen stall assistant had earlier had sex with the minor after inviting him to her flat.

What the judge said
IN PASSING sentence, District Judge James Leong told the 32-year-old woman that the offences she had committed were very serious.

He said he had considered, to her credit, that she had pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity, thus avoiding the need for a trial.

Yesterday, the unemployed woman was jailed for 10 months after pleading guilty to two of seven charges of causing a boy under 16 to have sex with her in May last year. The remaining charges were taken into consideration.

She is the second woman to be jailed for such an offence following the February conviction of a former teacher now serving 10 months in jail for having sex with a 15-year-old boy last year.

Yesterday, Assistant Public Prosecutor Kalidass Murugaiyan said the accused, a divorcee with a child, was then employed as a canteen stall assistant at the school the boy attended.

The court heard that she would leave her 14-month-old child in the care of the boy's mother when she went to work.

As the boy's mother did not know how to use a mobile phone, she would ask him to call or send short text messages to the woman to ask when she would be dropping off the child.

That was how the woman began communicating with the boy without his mother's knowledge. She told the boy later that she had fallen in love with him the very first time she set eyes on him.

Initially, he did not take her seriously and treated her more like an elder sister.
But in some of their telephone messages, they discussed sex.

One day, after she dropped her child off at his home, she kissed him. At first he was shocked. But then he too began to develop feelings for the woman and began treating her as his girlfriend, also kissing her.

On May 4 last year, they watched a movie, then went to her flat, where they had sex. Meanwhile, the woman's sister and the boy's mother became suspicious of the woman's relationship with the boy. But when confronted, she denied any wrongdoing.

On May 17, the boy again went to her flat for sex after lying to his mother that he was going to a chalet. After sex, he refused to leave and insisted on staying over at her flat. Meanwhile, her sister had received a call from the boy's mother, who said she was worried about her son. Suspecting that he might have gone to the woman's flat, the sister turned up there at about 11pm and found the boy hiding in a wardrobe.

Not long afterwards, the woman's elder brother also arrived and accused the boy of breaking into the flat. The police were called. But when the officers arrived, the boy confessed that he was in a relationship with the woman. She was then arrested.

The woman was found to be suffering from depression at the time she got to know the boy. She told a psychiatrist that she and the boy were both attracted to each other, and that was why they had sex. The woman, who pleaded for a light sentence, could have been jailed for up to 10 years and/or fined on each charge.

Lying Down Sex Positions of Kamasutra

The Deer-woman has the following three ways of lying down:

The widely opened position
The yawning position
The position of the wife of Indra

When she lowers her head and raises her middle parts, it is called the 'widely opened position'. At such a time the man should apply some unguent, so as to make the entrance easy.

When she raises her thighs and keeps them wide apart and engages in congress, it is called the 'yawning position'.

When she places her thighs with her legs doubled on them upon her sides, and thus engages in congress, it is called the 'position of Indrani' and this is learnt only by practice. The position is also useful in the case of the 'highest congress'.

The 'clasping position' is used in 'low congress', and in the 'lowest congress', together with the 'pressing position', the 'twining position', and the 'mare's position'.

When the legs of both the male and the female are stretched straight
out over each other, it is called the 'clasping position'. It is of two kinds, the side position and the supine position, according to the way in which they lie down. In the side position the male should invariably lie on his left side, and cause the woman to lie on her right side, and this rule is to be observed in lying down with all kinds of women.

When, after congress has begun in the clasping position, the woman presses her lover with her thighs, it is called the 'pressing position'.

When the woman places one of her thighs across the thigh of her lover it is called the 'twining position'.

When a woman forcibly holds in her yoni the lingam after it is in, it is called the 'mare's position'. This is learnt by practice only, and is chiefly found among the women of the Andhra country.

The above are the different ways of lying down, mentioned by Babhravya. Suvarnanabha, however, gives the following in addition:

When the female raises both of her thighs straight up, it is called the 'rising position'.

When she raises both of her legs, and places them on her lover's shoulders, it is called the 'yawning position'.

When the legs are contracted, and thus held by the lover before his bosom, it is called the 'pressed position'.

When only one of her legs is stretched out, it is called the 'half pressed position'.

When the woman places one of her legs on her lover's shoulder, and stretches the other out, and then places the latter on his shoulder, and stretches out the other, and continues to do so alternately, it is called the 'splitting of a bamboo'.

When one of her legs is placed on the head, and the other is stretched out, it is called the 'fixing of a nail'. This is learnt by practice only.

When both the legs of the woman are contracted, and placed on her stomach, it is called 'crab's position'.

When the thighs are raised and placed one upon the other, it is called the 'packed position'.

When the shanks are placed one upon the other, it is called the 'lotus-like position'.

When a man, during congress, turns round, and enjoys the woman without leaving her, while she embraces him
round the back all the time, it is called the 'turning position', and is learnt only by practice.

Thus, says Suvarnanabha, these different ways of lying down, sitting, and standing should be practised in water, because it is easy to do so therein. But Vatsyayana is of opinion that congress in water is improper, because it is prohibited by the religious law.

When a man and a woman support themselves on each other's bodies, or on a wall, or pillar, and thus while standing engage in congress, it is called the 'supported congress'.

When a man supports himself against a wall, and the woman, sitting on his hands joined together and held underneath her, throws her arms round his neck, and putting her thighs alongside his waist, moves herself by her feet, which are touching the wall against which the man is leaning, it is called the 'suspended congress'.

When a woman stands on her hands and feet like a quadruped, and her lover mounts her like a bull, it is called the 'congress of a cow'. At this time everything that is ordinarily done on the bosom should be done on the back.

In the same way can be carried on the congress of a dog, the congress of a goat, the congress of a deer, the forcible mounting of an ass, the congress of a cat, the jump of a tiger, the pressing of an elephant, the rubbing of a boar, and the mounting of a horse. And in all these cases the characteristics of these different animals should be manifested by acting like them.

When a man enjoys two women at the same time, both of whom love him equally, it is called the 'united congress'.

When a man enjoys many women altogether, it is called the 'congress of a herd of cows'.

The following kinds of congress-sporting in water, or the congress of an elephant with many female elephants which is said to take place only in the water, the congress of a collection of goats, the congress of a collection of deer take place in imitation of these animals.

In Gramaneri many young men enjoy a woman that may be married to one of them, either one after the other, or at the same time. Thus one of them holds her, another enjoys her, a third uses her mouth, a fourth holds her middle part, and in this way they go on enjoying her several parts alternately.

The same things can be done when several men are sitting in company with one courtesan, or when one courtesan is alone with many men. In the same way this can be done by the women of the king's harem when they accidentally get hold of a man.

The people in the Southern countries have also a congress in the anus, that is called the 'lower congress'.

Sex Positions of Kamasutra

The two kinds of embrace take place when the lover is standing are:

When a woman, clinging to a man as a creeper twines round a tree, bends his head down to hers with the desire of kissing him and slightly makes the sound of sut sut, embraces him, and looks lovingly towards him, it is called the 'twining of a creeper'.

When a woman, having placed one of her feet on the foot of her lover, and the other on one of his thighs, passes one of her arms round his back, and the other on his shoulders, makes slightly the sounds of singing and cooing, and wishes, as it were, to climb up him in order to have a kiss, it is called an embrace like the 'climbing of a tree'.

These two kinds of embrace take place at the time of sexual union:

When lovers lie on a bed, and embrace each other so closely that the arms and thighs of the one are encircled by the arms and thighs of the other, and are, as it were, rubbing up against them, this is called an embrace like 'the mixture of sesamum seed with rice'.

When a man and a woman are very much in love with each other, and, not thinking of any pain or hurt, embrace each other as if they were entering into each other's bodies either while the woman is sitting on the lap of the man, or in front of him, or on a bed, then it is called an embrace like a 'mixture of milk and water'.

Babhravya has thus related to us the above eight kinds of embraces. Suvarnanabha moreover gives us four ways of embracing simple members of the body, which are:

The embrace of the thighs.
The embrace of the jaghana, i.e. the part of the body from the navel downwards to the thighs.
The embrace of the breasts.
The embrace of the forehead.

When one of two lovers presses forcibly one or both of the thighs of the other between his or her own, it is called the 'embrace of thighs'.

When a man presses the jaghana or middle part of the woman's body against his own, and mounts upon her to practise, either scratching with the nail or finger, or biting, or striking, or kissing, the hair of the woman being loose and flowing, it is called the 'embrace of the jaghana'.

When a man places his breast between the breasts of a of Vatsyayana woman and presses her with it, it is called the 'embrace of the breasts'.

When either of the lovers touches the mouth, the eyes and the forehead of the other with his or her own, it is called the 'embrace of the forehead'.