Saturday 23 April 2011

Another 365 Days

Yes...another year wasted. Literally wasted. 

All 365 days gone, with no tangible achievements. 

When I look at myself in the mirror, all I see is new wrinkles, a silver lining around my forehead (won't admit it's grey hair) and excess weight. 

Great! I have been taking good care of myself, you see! 

It has been a year of turbulations and the lastest human tragedy - look at how selfish a human being can be - is truely a befitting end to a year which started with tragedies and ended with more heartbreak and suffering for millions of people. 

While the selfish me had no concerns (that's not really the truth) over the last few days, other than securing a table over-looking the dance floor for New Year's Eve, millions will usher the New Year grieving over their losses as they come face to face with the scope of the tsunamis. 

A Sri Lankan woman was quoted by the world news agencies as crying: "Why did You do this to us, God?" after the wall of water crushed her life, hope and aspirations. 

Is God really to blame for all the atrocities that man has committed?

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